Meet the team

Our team

Betsy - Adelia & Muffin

It takes a special kind of crazy to do this. My love of cats began when I was young. After our first pair of Burmese cats passed of old age (kidney disease - Buddy, and seizures - Baby Girl), my family knew we needed another Burmese, but we didn’t know how to get one. We went to a cat show, where I met Brian Tripp of Evita Burmese, and everything fell into place from there. I started the cattery lifestyle in middle school, when I helped Brian to raise litters of kittens out of one mama. I learned as much as I could about basic care of kittens, including how to help with the birth, what to do for basic health things that come up, and I fell in love with socializing these little fuzzballs of love and energy and placing them into homes where they will light up people’s lives for the next decade and a half - two if you’re lucky! I couldn’t just stop, so when I had to take a break for college, I was desperate to start anew once I graduated. I made my own cattery and established myself - with LOADS of help from Brian, rescued 27 cats in one summer from Carney Cats when Roy Carney passed away unexpectedly, reached out to countless other breeders to get their advice and mentorship, quit my day job in engineering so I could keep the cattery going when it was at it’s busiest, got a new job in sales, and here we are now!

I have had mental health issues my whole life (Depression and Anxiety and now Bipolar), and I know just how much these kitties help. It is my goal in life to bring joy to others through cats who will ease the sharpest anxiety and distract from the harshest thoughts, who will be there in your moments of loneliness, and who will never judge who you are or what you have done. They just want to love, and that’s why I do this - to love others through my love for them.

Member of NABB (National Alliance of Burmese Breeders),
Registered with CFA
Registered with TICA

EmailFacebookInstagram — Text at 612-405-9399

Engineer | Cat Mama | Security Sales Consultant

Heather - Cinnamon & Sugar

I am a mental health therapist by trade and being able to help MNBurm also means I get to help others with their mental health needs too, as Bombay and Burmese cats make excellent emotional support animals.  I currently have Lotus (Bombay) and Cinnamon (Burmese) and they are both very entertaining, smart and loyal.  I am so happy to have met Betsy (owner of MNBurm) when I attended the Twin City Cat Fanciers CFA show in 2022. Here is to many more adventures! 

If you are interested in being a satellite kitten home for MNBurm, please contact us!

Therapist | Cat Enthusiast | Owns a Cat Stroller

Also non-breeding cats Lotus and Mittens

Kristin - Frankie

There’s nothing cozier than a lap full of cats. Being a cat breeder’s mom enables me to enjoy kittens year round.  Sometimes I even get to take them home for awhile to ensure that each of Betsy’s kittens are the most friendly, happy, cuddly critters you’ll love to come home to.  If I spoiled them, no apologies.  Hope you enjoy all their purry friendliness!

Just Helping Out | WFH | Betsy’s Mom

WFH | Cat Enthusiast | Betsy’s Cousin

Jennifer - Sheba

Hello hello! A little bit about me. My name is Jen and I've always had a love for animals since I was a kid. Throughout the years I've had lots of different pets such as hamsters, mice, pet toads, frogs, and my favorite, cats! My first cats were Mittens and Missy at about age 5 & so began my love for felines!

In 2022, Betsy gave me the opportunity to have a queen and help raise her kittens. So began Bathsheba who we lovingly call "Sheba." She's a Bombay and has the classic sleek black coat with big golden eyes. Barely sheds, has a wonderful disposition being a doting mother to her baby kitties. It has been a joy to see Sheba through her pregnancies & to help raise her kitties. 

My son Charlie is 10 and is my Chief Socialization Expert. The plus is he gets lots of play time with each litter (both of us do) and they get lots of attention and socialization time.. and are used to kids. Our 1st litter with Sheba we fell head over heels & just had to keep one. Shadow and Charlie are inseparable. He sleeps in my son's room & will watch over him as he sleeps, it's the sweetest thing! Shadow also plays well with Sheba's litters and is a wonderful big fur-brother! 

If you're looking for a fur baby companion, look no further. We love helping to raise these golden eyed beautiful baby kitties and knowing they're going to good homes makes it a lot easier.

Also non-breeding cat Shadow

Dujin - Papa

“I absolutely adore cats! They are such amazing and lovable companions. “Papa” and I have a brand new bag of happiness together, and our bond just keeps getting stronger.” - Dujin. Dujin joined MNBurm when he was looking for a way to get into the cat fanciers world via showing cats and getting involved with a local club, Twin Cities Cat Fanciers. When I was looking for people to house Papa, Dujin came to a friend of mine’s mind, and we met, and I entrusted Papa to his care. Dujin has been a trooper ever since, having girls over for Papa whenever the need arises.

If you are looking for a cat and live near Burnsville, MN, please consider housing an intact stud for us!

Cat Lover | Stud House

Join our family, today.